Vocabulary, Jargon, and Colloquialism - Your One-Stop Commercial Real Estate Glossary
Commercial real estate can be like another language at times. As a commercial real estate professional, I sometimes catch myself elaborating on contracts, opportunities and specifications, soon realizing that I’ve gone into uncharted territory with clientele. Obviously, it can be difficult to stop the train and ask what a word means, but as someone who’s learning new words and processes everyday, it’s a fantastic opportunity to add to your lexicon. This week’s post is intended purely as an educational point of reference!
To assist in this regard, I’ve put together an all-encompassing glossary of terminology that you may find immersed in your contracts, or in fact, contracts and clauses themselves. It’s very important if you are planning to invest in commercial real estate, or already do, that you understand the jargon and terminology when it comes across your desk so you are the most informed about your transactions. This glossary is available to download via the link below, feel free to keep a copy on your desktop to refer to in your daily commercial real estate endeavors. Additionally, if there are terms that you think have been missed, feel free to shoot me a line. As I’ve said, I am also learning everyday, and love adding new vocabulary to my repertoire.