Edmonton commercial real estate market update, from yours truly.

What's happening out there?!  Well, I'm glad you asked.

Edmonton's third quarter was a quiet one in the industrial sector, as is often typical for the summer months, with a meaningful pick up entering into the fall months of September and October.  We did have many initiatives enter the market on a broader scale though, such as the Amazon HQ2 excitement and the Google DeepMind Edmonton Lab announcement.  Overall, we're seeing a widespread transition in Alberta that's putting a focus on the growing technology sector, and broader diversification among all industries.  We have a highly skilled labour pool, lead by our top ranking University programs, and Edmonton is just tapping into the potential of our City.  While we work to support the energy industries that have helped our province grow to where it is today, businesses and government agencies are also looking towards alternate paths for the future of our City and Province.  Alberta is certainly not a one-trick pony.

If you're interested in learning more, check out this quick video clip where I discuss some of the factors at play among Tenants and Landlords, Purchasers and Vendors in our market. 



If there's any commercial real estate information or news that you would like further insight or clarity into, please feel free to reach out to me via my contact page!

- Bronwyn Scrivens